
Vatican clears retired US bishop of multiple abuse claims

Pope Francis: God's word is 'a love letter to us' to be read every day

Pontifical Academy for Life urges quick action on COVID-19 vaccine production

Joy, frustration and humor: reactions to Vatican law change on lectors, altar servers

Former Vatican bank president sentenced for embezzlement

Dueling statements from US bishops, pope on Inauguration Day

Francis, the comic strip

Pope prays Biden works to heal divisions, promote human dignity

Pope urges nations to create a world free from nuclear arms

Vatican begins vaccinating residents of its homeless shelters

World needs Christians to show what journey toward unity looks like, pope says

Vatican revokes arrest warrant against woman linked to finance scandal

Pope: King's 'vision of harmony, equality for all' remains timely

Vatican magazine: Pope touched 'sore point' on women's leadership in new book

'Words can be kisses,' but also 'swords,' pope writes in new book

Papal trip to Argentina, Uruguay still on the table, pope tells ambassador

Popes Francis and Benedict both receive coronavirus vaccine

Rome university reverses decision to honor controversial Fr. Pavone

Praising God purifies the soul, is like breathing 'pure oxygen,' pope says

Australian agency admits serious error in reporting Vatican bank transfers
