"If this causes chaos, so be it. The more chaos there is in American society, the more people will be ready and willing to hand over the government to me. Have faith, Tom, I am here to save you."
In this episode of John Dear's "The Nonviolence Jesus Podcast," Dear sits down with Sr. Joan Chittister to unpack the Beatitudes as bold, countercultural ways of living that challenge systems of power.
In the American Catholic Laity Surveys that began in 1987, U.S. Catholics have, for quite some time now, preferred to decide for themselves on many questions of morality, over giving church leaders the final say.
In sacred Scripture, God's people are often on the move. The Bible shows us migration isn't just about survival, it's about grace and divine reciprocity between people and the land.
Wage theft — including but not limited to cutting breaks short, refusing to pay overtime and confiscating tips — can and must be curtailed by union organizing, the centerpiece of modern Catholic teaching on labor.
Does the Catholic college or university have anything distinctive to offer to today's world? Only if it maintains dynamic engagement with an evolving world, says Ilia Delio.
President Donald Trump is the epitome of a destroyer who knows what he hates but has no idea how to build anything beautiful. He has greater joy in firing people than mentoring them.