Pope Francis has proclaimed a Jubilee year in the Catholic Church, which began on Dec. 24, 2024, and will continue through Jan. 6, 2026. But what is a Jubilee, and what is this year’s about?
Our language has become a brittle shell, too fragile to hold the magnitude of our collective grief. Yet, in this poverty of words, there is an unexpected wealth: the profound presence of silence.
Scripture of Life: When the experience of evil feels as palpable as the mysterium, we may well be afraid. Yet, our very distress constitutes the call to stand up against destruction and injustice.
Scripture for Life: Christ's birth and reception by the simple made the first turn of the golden key. Now it is ours to dare the second turn and exercise the humility to be open to wonderful and challenging treasures we have never imagined.
Stephen Adubato writes that what we call "traditional Catholicism" is less the fruit of a living legacy shared between generations than it is the product of an artificial culture constructed to pick and choose elements from the past that fit the ideological and aesthetic tastes of its adherents.