
Posted on by St. Ignatius Loyola Parish Sacramento

Jesuit Grammar School Principal in Sacramento

St. Ignatius Loyola Parish School, Sacramento has a stable Pre-K to 8 population of nearly 400 students. Steeped in the Jesuit tradition, the school is among the highest in academic rankings in the Sacramento diocese.  It enjoys a new, well-equipped school facility and is supported by engaged school families and a vibrant parish community.
Posted on by InterCongregational Collaborative Novitiate (ICCN)

Program Co-Director

The position of Co-director of the InterCongregational Collaborative Novitiate (ICCN) will open at the conclusion of the current 2024-2025 ICCN Cohort in June 2025.  To ensure continuity in this significant role, the ICCN is pleased to announce a search for a new Co-director to assume the position on July 7, 2025. The Novice Directors are responsible for the…
Posted on by All Saints Catholic Community, Berlin, Germany

Looking for a priest

Catholic community at former US Military Chapel, Berlin, Germany is looking for a priest, some command of German a plus. Contact Prof. Michael Burda:
Posted on by Grass-roots church communities

Free Ebook on Luke in relation to social justice

Joseph E. Mulligan, S.J., has posted his FREE eBook on the Gospel of Luke as related to contemporary realities: LUKE: INTRO TO HIS GOSPEL AND TO JESUS' CALL TO DO JUSTICE -- THE GOOD NEWS <linked to> CURRENT NEWS Does not presume any acquaintance with the bible. Especially useful for parish or community study groups or for theology teachers as introduction to…
Posted on by Mary of Magdala Church Community


Mary of Magdala Church Community in Milwaukee, Wisconsin is seeking a part-time Co-Pastor. We are all ministers of faith in a progressive, inclusive, Eucharistic Community who gather weekly. We seek a Co-Pastor to preside at liturgy rotations that are simultaneously in person and via Zoom. We welcome candidates who affirm a faith identity that is Catholic or of…
Posted on by Theresians International

Theresians International Executive Director

Theresians International (TI), founded in 1962, is a vibrant, global ministry for women that is seeking a new Executive Director. TI is a network of small faith communities who meet monthly in members’ homes and live the mission of “Women in Support of Women, Reaching Out with Gospel Values. “ Theresians International is a nonprofit organization based in the…
Posted on by Global Sisters Report

Wisdom from the Global Sisterhood: Contemporary Reflections by Catholic Sisters

Sisters care about creation, minister to those in need, and keep hope amid adversity—their witness and reflections can help us to do the same. In Wisdom from the Global Sisterhood, Catholic sisters from across the world share their insights about prayer, grace, grief and healing, ministries, and a variety of topics. From the thousands of columns published since it…
Posted on by National Catholic Reporter

Beacon of Justice, Community, and Hope

Through this newly released book, discover the 60-year history of the National Catholic Reporter Publishing Company, sustaining NCR’s commitment to covering the nation, the world, the Catholic Church, and the Catholic faith. This is the story of one in five Americans who identify as Catholic—more than 50 million men and women whose lives have been shaped by the…
Posted on by National Catholic Reporter

Jesus 2000

To celebrate the new millenium, the National Catholic Reporter invited people to submit original artwork to answer the question, "What would Jesus Christ look like in the year 2000?" The contest was a huge success: NCR's judges, among them the notable Sr. Wendy Becket, received 1,678 representations of Jesus from 1,004 artists in 19 countries from six continents.…