
Pope to confessors: Be fathers, brothers who offer consolation, mercy

Pope Francis is the guardian angel of the faithful's ambivalence

Vatican says general absolution still permissible during pandemic

Francis, the comic strip

Video: Pope Francis in Iraq livestream

Iraq visit was 'sign of hope' for suffering people, pope says

Editorial: Pope's trip showed solidarity with suffering Iraqis but shocking disregard for pandemic

The spiritual insights Francis displayed in Iraq

Francis, the comic strip

Biden says pope's Iraq trip a 'symbol of hope for the entire world'

Francis defends traveling to Iraq during pandemic: 'Aware of the risks'

Cleanse your hearts of anger, live the Gospel, pope says at Mass in Irbil

Francis encourages Iraqi Christians in dramatic visits to ISIS-destroyed churches

Francis tells Iraqi faith leaders: violence in name of religion 'greatest blasphemy'

Pope Francis arrives in Iraq as 'penitent pilgrim' begging for peace

Why Pope Francis chose Cardinal Tobin for Vatican appointment

Cardinal Tobin joins Cupich on Vatican's influential Congregation for Bishops

Pope: God offers humanity a love with no equal on earth

Vatican downplays coronavirus, safety risks in pope's trip to Iraq

Pope says he will remain in Rome until death
