
For Lent, read the Gospel, fast from gossip, pope says at Angelus

NCR's Joshua McElwee is Iraq-bound with Pope Francis

Pope Francis and his 'secular encyclical' on sport

Vatican trial: Former students recall 'unhealthy' environment at minor seminary

Francis, the comic strip

Pandemic, terror threats: Iraq papal trip is complicated, even for Francis

Pope tells Los Angeles virtual congress to proclaim God's promise

Pope: Fight temptation with faith, prayer, penance

Francis accepts resignation of Cardinal Sarah, head of Vatican worship office

Papal astronomer celebrates Mars missions

Vatican expects budget deficit for 2021

Vatican Museums reopen, but visitors decry lack of social distancing

Pope: True ecumenical dialogue begins with love

Vatican employees required to get COVID-19 vaccine

Vatican City law abolishes 'in absentia' trials, allows reduced sentencing

For Lent, ask if one's life is centered on God or oneself, pope says

Vatican to bishops: Be 'prudent' about Easter services as pandemic continues

Pope: God wants to open hearts, forgive, heal

Iraq announces COVID-19 restrictions ahead of papal trip

Lent is time to grow in faith, hope, love and to share them, pope says
