
Vatican calls for equitable COVID-19 vaccine distribution

McCarrick report shows a church infected with unchecked clericalism

Pope announces yearlong reflection on family, 'Amoris Laetitia'

Pope formally strips Vatican secretariat of state of assets

NCR's top 10 most read opinion and commentary articles of 2020

Pope's Christmas Day plea to world leaders: 'vaccines for all,' not just wealthy

Pope at Christmas: Jesus' birth brings hope in troubling times

Francis, the comic strip

Christmas 'hijacked' by consumerist mentality, pope says

Pope Francis' great Christmas gift to us all

Italy's lockdown forces changes to pope's Christmas events

Two Vatican cardinals test positive for COVID-19; one hospitalized

Poverty, not presents, is at heart of Christmas celebration, pope says

Vatican: Coronavirus vaccines 'morally acceptable' for Catholics

Francis warns Vatican officials their conflicts polarize Catholic Church

In defense of the Vatican's 'back to the future' Nativity scene

Francis urges world leaders to reduce military spending in 2021 peace message

Francis, the comic strip

Vatican's foreign minister reaffirms church's shift away from accepting nuclear deterrence

Pray for one, pray for all, pope says at general audience
