Phyllis Zagano

Phyllis Zagano holds a research appointment at Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York. Her most recent book is Just Church: Catholic Social Teaching, Synodality, and Women (Paulist, 2023).

By this Author

While Trump hires Catholics, his actions reflect nothing of Catholic social teaching

Under Pope Francis, it's management, not ministry, for Catholic women

Sri Lankan cardinal bans female altar servers, but why?

On women deacons, the Catholic Church has to remember its own history

Catholic voters are suffering a barrage of fake 'Catholic' news

The pope refused to tell Americans how to vote. But he told us how to think about it.

Harris promises a new way forward. Would that the pope would do the same.

An accused priest, his art and the Vatican

The rise of the Catholic bully

In 'Dignitas Infinita,' the Vatican defends people, not politics

The politics of this Easter season

Trump's language of evil

To bless or not to bless?

Inconvenient truths at Christmastime

'Excuse me, Your Eminence, she has not finished speaking'

There's the synod. And then there's the dream of synodality.

The secret synod

What does 'respect life' really mean?

At the Catholic Church's worldwide synod, the deacons are missing

The US Catholic bishops' spring meeting, or Clericalism 101
