
Trump's pseudo-Christianity is logical outcome of 'America's God'

Easter prioritizes grace, life and universality

The resurrection of Jesus is decisive, for the first disciples and for us

The US is at a crossroads on immigration. What should the Catholic Church do next?

A prayer for finding balance in the Holy Land

On Good Friday, let us tremble before the cross

Your letters: Cecilia Gentili, LGBTQ advocacy, Louisiana excommunication

The Francis Effect podcast: Mar-A-Lago 'Catholic' event; March Madness; Bruce Morrill

Editorial: Excommunication in Louisiana lays bare Catholic Church's hypocrisy

'Will you be with me when I'm executed?': Interview with Sr. Helen Prejean

The politics of this Easter season

The vindictive, unstable Trump should never be given power again

Before tackling troublesome issues, Pope Francis insists on synodality

The non-politics of March Madness

Wisconsin Supreme Court makes bad law in religious liberty case

Your letters: Pope Francis on Ukraine, Annunciation House, Roe v. Wade

An ecological approach to Holy Week

Democrats shouldn't overplay their hand at abortion

Pope Francis turns synod toward issues of process, away from hot potatoes

Here in the US, Catholicism is for sale
