
New ways of being church, in the public square and in the chanceries

Copy Desk Daily, June 18, 2019

Francis, the comic strip

Editorial: Who watches the shepherds who watch over the sheep? Us.

For Trump, it's all about posture, not policy

Bicycles breeze through US as cyclist numbers rise, bike lanes expand

When it comes to church reform, despair is not an option

Catholic bishops finally tackle the sex abuse cover-up. Now comes the hard part

Your thoughts on abolishing the priesthood

Links for 6/14/19

Media outlets highlight division through coverage of US bishops' meeting

Jesus gives us his Spirit so we can carry on his work

Francis, the comic strip

Have the willingness of D-Day veterans, rise to the challenge

Barron's idea of evangelization to 'nones' misses the mark

Institutional decline of US bishops' conference obvious on first day of meeting

Confronting the 'monarchy of fear' with spiritual resistance

Act of resistance leaves unsettling questions

The risky business of doing 'mercifying' theology

My 90-year-old mother falls, caught in the eye of apocalypse
