
Links for 6/11/19

Copy Desk Daily, June 10, 2019

President Trump an embarrassment throughout UK, D-Day trip

What to look for when Cannes festival films come to the US

Pentecost Sunday: Moments that change us forever are part of a bigger process

Editorial: Mueller report demands that lawmakers take action

Hierarchy and theology alike are caught up in Catholic disruption

Fashion notes from my nonna

Editorial: Francis treats church's internal 'sickness'

Copy Desk Daily, June 7, 2019

Your thoughts on a humble church, role of women, clergy sexual abuse and more

Lavish living by Catholic hierarchy is moral corruption

Copy Desk Daily, June 6, 2019

Links for 6/6/19

Francis, the comic strip

How should we support those going through life transitions?

International courtesy the goal of papal flight press conference procedure

Fracking becomes personal suffering

On the 75th anniversary of D-Day, let's remember the dangers of nationalism

Francis' draft of curial reform fundamentally reimagines Vatican's role
