
Thomas Merton's counsel for Donald Trump (and the rest of us)

Joan Chittister's book calls up prophets, the truth-tellers

Copy Desk Daily, May 15, 2019

Pence's address was everything that's wrong with evangelicalism today

A fight over 'So help me God'? God help us

The politics of baseball, from Fenway Park to the South Lawn

Copy Desk Daily, May 14, 2019

Theology rooted in patriarchy delays restoration of female diaconate

What's God got to do with it?

Francis, the comic strip

Links for 5/14/19

Rachel Held Evans showed us how to hold the church door open for others

The issue of truth looms large in American politics

Why does Francis' passion for justice and unity stop short of women?

Will Catholic voters make Joe Biden the next president?

Eucharistic intimacy calls us to transform a destructive food system

The suffering of Puerto Rican people continues to mount

Francis, the comic strip

Your thoughts on recent editorials on threats to church unity

New rules on abuse mark a major step forward
