
Your thoughts on Benedict's letter on sex abuse

'Mary Magdalene' is a film perfect for Holy Week

Francis, the comic strip

The sacred triduum's symbols are sacraments that point to what is real

Not too tidy: joy and holiness

The Native America of today

We should preach about the death penalty on Good Friday

Links for 4/17/19

Notre Dame: May lamentations lead to alleluias

Notre Dame, long a symbol of Catholicism in Europe, becomes a picture of its collapse

Francis, the comic strip

Church's foremothers proclaim Jesus from beyond the grave

Bannon helps spread cancer of populist nationalism

Copy Desk Daily, April 16, 2019

Like Paul, I was knocked off my horse and blinded

Benedict's unfortunate letter ignores the facts on the Catholic sex abuse crisis

Mark Silk on the history of the term 'Judeo-Christian'

Editorial: Silence equals complicity in US border 'crisis'

Pope Benedict explains things to me

Your thoughts on Holy Spirit atheism and armchair theologians
