
The priesthood is being crucified on the cross of celibacy

To overtake Senate, Democrats should focus on kitchen table issues

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Another person's skin

The Vatican's next Synod of Bishops should focus on women

Your thoughts on firing gay teachers at Catholic schools

Copy Desk Daily, July 12, 2019

Sneakers are never just sneakers

Newly elected, very blue Democrats put the party at risk

Maggots may be a deus ex machina to save us from global warming

A key question about the climate crisis: how to talk about it

Links for 7/11/19

Copy Desk Daily, July 11, 2019

I made a mixtape for the church I love

Francis, the comic strip

Can laypeople lead a parish? Look to Louisville for a thriving example

Author unravels the tangled identity of Mary Magdelene

Copy Desk Daily, July 10, 2019

Bishops and priests need more range

Francis' theological vision includes dialogue, humility

Opponents of the pan-Amazon synod discard Catholic social doctrine
