
Links for 7/23/19

I'm breathing my way past the 'prison' of the internet

Boundaries and borders serve 'us,' while all others suffer

Francis, the comic strip

Celibacy advances the priesthood's culture of compromised truths

Your thoughts on the crisis at our southern border

A sense of in between

Trump may make America great again after all -- when we show how out of step he is

Pope Francis gets it right on Curia reform and women

'After all, they are our brothers and sisters'

Editorial: The politics of division stripped of any disguise

Francis, the comic strip

Links for 7/18/19

The night I found God at the kitchen sink

In Magdalene film, it's all about the relationship

Bullet in author's back teaches him forgiveness

EWTN's voice is powerful, partisan and problematic

Nixon and Trump: what a pair

Francis, the comic strip

Links for 7/16/19
