
My 'death box' has both practical and spiritual purpose

Religious vows offer wisdom as we experience this epic uncertainty

Francis, the comic strip

Links for 5/28/20

Copy Desk Daily, May 28, 2020

Francis compromised wisely in protracted drama of Bishop Okpaleke's appointment

COVID-19 virus puts a spotlight on inequality and racism

If COVID-19 frightens you, you should be terrified by climate change

The Catholic 'votes' will still pick the next president

History and tragedy linger in 'Ghosts of the Missing'

Copy Desk Daily, May 27, 2020

The Catholic vote decides who wins, even if it doesn't exist

Francis, the comic strip

Men dominated Jane Roe the way they dominate abortion rights

'Roe' revelations a reminder that people are ends, not means

Editorial: US bishops' conference, where is the leadership during pandemic?

A proposal for Catholic-Orthodox eucharistic sharing during the pandemic

Instead of televised Mass, I pray Teilhard's 'Mass on the World'

Virtual togetherness just doesn't cut it

While reopening rules get debated, the people of God starve for ministry
