
We liberal white Catholics must get serious about racial justice

Copy Desk Daily, June 4, 2020

Racism is the temptation white people have yet to overcome

The time is right to read Jesse Jackson's speeches

Copy Desk Daily, June 3, 2020

White people, let's do our homework

My generation failed to deal with racism

Archbishop Wilton Gregory: 1; Trump and Knights of Columbus: 0

Black in America: I am tired

We all must say 'Black Lives Matter'

Links for 6/2/20

Copy Desk Daily, June 2, 2020

Francis, the comic strip

The Trump and Barr un-reality Twitter show

The assumptions of white privilege and what we can do about it

Editorial: What have you done? No accounting for deaths of Floyd, Taylor and Arbery

What happens to workers in the gig economy when the gig runs dry?

Your thoughts on conservative Catholics, women deacons, sharing Eucharist and more

In defying shutdown, Minnesota bishops surrender to the culture warriors

Copy Desk Daily, May 29, 2020
