
The church must make reparation for its role in slavery, segregation

Copy Desk Daily, June 15, 2020

We need to embody a blues hope

We breathe together

Your thoughts on acknowledging white privilege

Did Times forget its motto of 'All the news that's fit to print'?

Laudato Si' five years out: five themes from a scholarly review of its impact

Copy Desk Daily, June 12, 2002

Four ways to tell a prophet from a political puppet

An update from your 'national parks of the soul': retreat centers during pandemic

Links for 6/11/20

Copy Desk Daily, June 11, 2020

Francis, the comic strip

Editorial: Defund the police — or at least de-escalate their excessive use of violence

I can't breathe because God can't breathe

When will the US bishops address the evil of systemic racism head-on?

Will it be different this time? Will we face our racism?

Author Susan Neiman examines Germany, Dixie and 'comparative redemption'

Copy Desk Daily, June 10, 2020

Francis, the comic strip
