Why should anyone care about Thomas Merton today?

Feast of Immaculate Conception does not get weekend dispensation

Caring for the fragility of swamps and good government

Los Angeles Archdiocese adds new names to list of accused priests

Catholic groups see major harm for immigrants in changing public benefits

Links for 12/6/18

Pa. high court says names in redacted grand jury report can't be released

Vatican appears likely to empower archbishops on abuse claims against bishops

Trumpism may not be here to stay after all

Faith groups oppose massive increase in border spending

Ethicist: Gene-editing human embryos 'a train wreck of a thing to do'

'Soul of a Nation' showcases timeless power of black art

In response to global warming, the idea of personal sacrifice resurfaces

Why are we at each others' throats? Healing polarization in our church

House passes measure to provide humanitarian aid to genocide victims

As caravan concerns rise, bishops urge respect, compassion for migrants

Cardinal: No one has right to demand a pope's resignation

Austin, Texas, auxiliary bishop named to head Monterey Diocese

Catholic migrant advocates have mixed reaction to Tijuana border events

Cardinal DiNardo calls CBS News series on church sex abuse 'inaccurate'
