NCR board member receives humanitarian award for peacemaking efforts

Trump strikes muted tone at National Prayer Breakfast, plays up evangelical interests

U.S. Catholic officials welcome Catholic-Muslim document signed by pope

CLINIC, partners want end to 'remain in Mexico' policy for asylum-seekers

Prospects for arms race rise with demise of historic nuclear treaty

Links for 2/7/19

Survivors, lay leaders help archdiocese hear victims, assist in healing

In memoriam — Gaspar Romero, brother of St. Oscar Romero

Panel: Reconciliation, justice go hand in hand on global, personal levels

Francis expresses openness to Vatican mediation in Venezuela

Two years after Trump's travel ban, faith-based refugee groups struggle

Immigrants seen as making their mark in their new homes

Abortion extremism will yield more laws like New York's

Shifting the question from 'Stay or go?' to 'How?'

House members introduce bipartisan measure to ban abortions at 20 weeks

Evangelizing by example

New migrant caravan has left Honduras; why do they flee?

Jesuit Fr. Charles Currie, college and social justice leader, dies

House budget bill repeals 'Mexico City Policy' on NGO abortion funding

Palestinian-Israeli property struggle ensnares Holy Sepulcher key custodian
