Bishops' meeting bombshell: Vatican says no voting on abuse crisis

What's left of bishops' moral authority is on the line this week

100 years after World War I's armistice, recounting the human cost 'over there'

NCR Connections: Under the skin of ongoing news

Pope recognizes martyrdom of U.S. Christian Brother

Jeff Sessions resigns, ending tenure marred by fights with faith groups

Our love for God must include love for migrants

Trump's presidency, 'Christian supremacism' criticized at Parliament of World Religions

DiNardo, USCCB head, was bishop during years diocese hid priest's abuse

Christian leaders urge U.S. to restore aid to East Jerusalem hospitals

Of elves, identity politics and ethics of fracking

Justice Action Bulletin: Capitol Hill advocacy; encouraging Latinos to vote

From public policy to personal choice, God invites us to choose life

Naming clergy accused of abuse is about victims' healing, says Archbishop Aymond

Newspapers examine U.S. bishops' responses to abuse allegations

The immigrant caravan is a wave of hope for America

Youngstown bishop releases names of clergy credibly accused of abuse

Markers for digital age: Welcome to NCR Connections

Jewish groups decry Messianic Jewish rabbi's prayer at Pence rally

Buffalo protocols for addressing abuse claims scrutinized by '60 Minutes'
