
At Home in Creation: Water as the gift of life

At Home in Creation: Learning to see land as relative, land as self

At Home in Creation: Protecting sacred waters, protesting Line 3 in northern Minnesota

At Home in Creation: The wholly/holy ordinary ground

At Home in Creation: Gratitude as a grounding force amid climate disruption

At Home in Creation: Where is your happy place?

Global climate change is also a spiritual crisis

War drives Kenya's Aweer from the forest where they find God

Historian explores what global weather changes mean for faith communities

On a 30-day retreat, feeling nature's hidden heartbeat

Pentecost is a time to remember the Holy Spirit's presence throughout all creation

I am a bird, waiting: How to find God's presence in nature

God's plan for animals is a hot topic in theology that we can all understand

Can faith leaders shift public opinion toward climate action?

Now playing: Pope Francis' ecological encyclical set to music

Therapists are reckoning with eco-anxiety

10 years later, 'Journey of the Universe' film more relevant, urgent than ever

Indigenous elders are teaching me the lesson of abundant generosity

A Climate-Conscious Lent: Environmental stewardship

Once we were stardust, and what we will be is the good surprise
