
How to celebrate a creation-conscious Easter

French bishops urge 'integral ecology' in response to climate change

Eco-friendly Lent recipe: crispy chickpea stuffed sweet potatoes

Eco-friendly Lent recipe: vegan broccoli cheddar soup

7 new environmental books for advice, lessons, projects and inspiration

Eco-friendly Lent recipe: mushroom tempeh fajitas

Cardinal Czerny: Saving creation requires seeing each other as family

Eco-friendly Lent recipe: mushroom lentil stew

Eco-friendly Lent recipe: broccoli chickpea curry

Amid wildfires, Texas bishops pray for first responders and victims

Eco-friendly Lent recipe: cinnamon pear walnut oatmeal

Eco-friendly Lent recipe: protein and plant stuffed peppers

Evangelical scientist Katharine Hayhoe finds hope in United Nations' climate report

Eco-friendly Lent recipe: creamy potato leek soup

Making religious sense of climate change on small islands

Eco-friendly Lent recipe: miso mustard protein bowl

Eco-friendly Lent recipe: veggie-packed tofu scramble

Medical Mission Sisters in India create center for quiet and healing amid the wonder of God's creation

Can religion and faith combat eco-despair?

Boosting action for nature requires spiritual change, say faith groups at UN environment assembly
