NCR Voices

RIP Catholic News Service, gone too soon and when we needed you most

Here's hoping Bishop Barron settles in to new job leading a Minnesota diocese

Pope Francis appoints cardinals, setting stage for election of his successor

Pope Francis warns Catholic educators against false traditionalism

Links: McElroy and Cordileone; guns in Australia; the Lincoln Memorial

Me? Be a sister? You're not serious.

On serving both God and guns, and banning someone from the Eucharist

Guns are an idol in American life. It's time for the bishops to say that.

Links: Helping Ukrainian refugees; Texas politics; architecture in New York

Honoring soldiers this Memorial Day, and saying a prayer against the scourge of war

Francis' choice of new Cardinal McElroy an unmistakable sign for US church

Pelosi vs. Cordileone isn't only about abortion. It's about women and bishops.

The Southern Baptist report exposes some canards about causes of clergy abuse

Links: Mass murder in Texas; good news in Georgia; getting journalism right

With his Communion ban, Cordileone harms the church more than Pelosi does

Avoiding a deadlocked conclave

Links: Assessing the midterms; voter turnout; Southern Baptists' abuse crisis

Seek the openness of synodality, not the barrenness of ideology

Pennsylvania bishops should speak out about Mastriano's Christian nationalism

Links: Student debt relief; the Afghan withdrawal; a disinformation homily
