NCR Voices

Pelosi vs. Cordileone isn't only about abortion. It's about women and bishops.

The Southern Baptist report exposes some canards about causes of clergy abuse

Links: Mass murder in Texas; good news in Georgia; getting journalism right

With his Communion ban, Cordileone harms the church more than Pelosi does

Avoiding a deadlocked conclave

Links: Assessing the midterms; voter turnout; Southern Baptists' abuse crisis

Seek the openness of synodality, not the barrenness of ideology

Pennsylvania bishops should speak out about Mastriano's Christian nationalism

Links: Student debt relief; the Afghan withdrawal; a disinformation homily

By closing Catholic News Service, bishops show they've lost interest in civic engagement

Buffalo makes it clear: Racism and gun violence are a Christian problem

Links: Abortion extremism; culture war primary; new solar farm

Overturning Roe would not be a pro-life win

More Catholics behaving badly: Texas Gov. Abbott, CUA's business school dean

However the court decides, America will be fiercely divided on abortion for decades

Why is the church failing in the West?

Links: Ohio Senate race; sustainable energy in Puerto Rico; church and labor

Pope Francis highlights danger of staid liturgies that 'deny Vatican Council II'

Links: Amazon union firings; mixed feelings on Roe v. Wade; independent voters

After winning on abortion, it's time for Catholic bishops to switch parties
