NCR Voices

Lessons from Utica, a small city that welcomed and was transformed by refugees

An invitation to get past the shallow, well-charted waters of 'wokeness'

The Catholic bishops support gun control. Why don't we hear more about it?

Links: French parliamentary elections; Starbucks union fight; Texas census numbers

EWTN failed its viewers by not airing testimony about Jan. 6 attack

Ukraine may not lead the news anymore, but it still needs Western arms

Links: Primary results; gay pride and the Tampa Bay Rays; Latino priests

If only Americans, or even Catholics, knew about Catholic social doctrine

Links: Biden's poll numbers; gun control hopes; the queen's jubilee

RIP Catholic News Service, gone too soon and when we needed you most

Here's hoping Bishop Barron settles in to new job leading a Minnesota diocese

Pope Francis appoints cardinals, setting stage for election of his successor

Pope Francis warns Catholic educators against false traditionalism

Links: McElroy and Cordileone; guns in Australia; the Lincoln Memorial

Me? Be a sister? You're not serious.

On serving both God and guns, and banning someone from the Eucharist

Guns are an idol in American life. It's time for the bishops to say that.

Links: Helping Ukrainian refugees; Texas politics; architecture in New York

Honoring soldiers this Memorial Day, and saying a prayer against the scourge of war

Francis' choice of new Cardinal McElroy an unmistakable sign for US church
