
Federal Reserve should steer clear of cryptocurrency and its charlatans

Editorial: The new gun control law is good. Now, let's do an assault weapons ban.

Links: Irish synodal process; Democratic presidential hopefuls; gerrymandering

After my bout of COVID, two road races deepen my gratitude for running

It's past time for the Vatican to investigate these two Texas bishops

Links: Supporting Ukraine; Bannon offers to testify; Latinos and the GOP

As it was 40 years ago, nuclear disarmament is our only hope for the future

Online course shows synodality is about the church breaking old, bad habits

Is the Supreme Court in danger of abandoning its own legitimacy?

Rembrandt's technique sheds light on how parables work

Netflix's 'Arcane' reminds us we know neither the day nor the hour of reckoning

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: The image of God

Book outlines Herod the Great's 'suspicious, jealous, conniving, homicidal' legacy

Why is it so hard to force Donald Trump off the political stage?

Eucharist: Sacrament of unity and source of division

Your thoughts on the closure of Catholic News Service

Links: Anti-Catholic bigotry; Colorado River drought; passenger rail

Pope Francis' new apostolic letter is about more than 'liturgy wars'

Links: Sobriety about the war in Ukraine; union hotels; beautiful cathedrals

Shared blame for Russia's war on Ukraine is not realism — it's irrational
