
Buffalo shooting should be a wake-up call for white Catholics

Pennsylvania bishops should speak out about Mastriano's Christian nationalism

Your thoughts on being spiritual but not religious

Mourning Art Winter, a mentor and NCR's early managing editor

Being pro-life and feminist after Roe includes supporting access to contraception

Links: Student debt relief; the Afghan withdrawal; a disinformation homily

Francis, the comic strip

Catholic News Service shutdown is about more than just the news

A prayer for Ukraine (and the world)

By closing Catholic News Service, bishops show they've lost interest in civic engagement

Buffalo makes it clear: Racism and gun violence are a Christian problem

Obispos de EE.UU. socaban su trabajo pastoral al cerrar la agencia de noticias católicas

A Ukrainian academic on sabbatical experiences solidarity at Notre Dame

Links: Abortion extremism; culture war primary; new solar farm

Francis, the comic strip

More Catholics behaving badly: Texas Gov. Abbott, CUA's business school dean

Overturning Roe would not be a pro-life win

Book outlines how strong unions build strong democracies

Vital, challenging film tackles America's original sin

India's first lay saint, martyred for preaching social equality
