
Links: The US bishops' law firm; backtracking on abortion; and brick-and-mortar stores

Francis, the comic strip

Cardinal McElroy's elevation has 'enormous significance' for US church

Why Christian nationalism is unchristian

As a Catholic parent, I'm uncomfortable with 'In God we Trust' posted at public school

Francis, the comic strip

Links: Midterm ad spending; student loan forgiveness; Newt Gingrich's culpability

I attended a global meeting of Jesuit educators. Here's what I learned about our global responsibility as Catholics.

'The Afghanistan Papers' exposes deceit in the conduct of a long, futile war

Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: Our style of life

Yoga Barbie does not teach us true diversity

Religious liberty issue connects new cardinal with US Catholic history

Your thoughts on abortion and the dignity of women

Special Consistory Links: Take a tour of some of Rome's titular churches

Reform of Vatican Curia to be considered at meeting of cardinals

Francis, the comic strip

Six months of war in Ukraine and the moral stakes are still high

Don't cede the rosary to the alt-right

Editorial: Vatican's handling of allegations against Cardinal Ouellet is baffling

Links: A conservative windfall; California farmworkers; Communion and Liberation meeting
