
Copy Desk Daily, Jan. 3, 2019

The spirit of the West helps me find models of faith

Francis, the comic strip

Copy Desk Daily, Jan. 2, 2020

Divided nation: Looking ahead to 2020 in US politics

New biography of Thomas Berry reasserts importance of his work

Be you either hot or cold: Jesus' words, not mine

Francis, the comic strip

Links for 12/31/2019

Vulnerability as strength: Keenan's key to dismantling clericalism

Let it snow, let it snow, let me see

I was right, I was wrong, I was human

Feast of the Holy Family: The 21st-century 'holy family'

Your thoughts on synod listening sessions, Trump's deadly sins, elusive unity in Portland parish

We are living in an 'in between' time politically

Lessons for COP 26 from the Amazon Synod

Links for 12/24/19

Francis, the comic strip

Christmas is for all God's creatures

This Advent, may we make room
