
We should expect better preaching; learn from Archbishop DiNoia

Rich portrait of a social change agent in biography of Grail leader Anne Hope

Why Nancy Pelosi doesn't hate the president and prays for him instead

Rep. Elijah Cummings was an example of public faith in a time of religious skepticism

Francis, the comic strip

Links for 12/10/19

The Advent posada is an act of resistance

Preparing the way for the Black Christ

Copy Desk Daily, Dec. 10, 2019

Praying for President Trump's transformation

In New Hampshire, engaged voters revisit the Bretton Woods legacy

Copy Desk Daily, Dec. 9, 2019

Goodbye, climbers! We need to restore servant leadership in the priesthood

The dangers of undoing the evolved strength of the papacy

Fr. Robert Pelton built links between Latin America and US church

NCR wishes you a light-filled Christmas

Second Sunday of Advent: Change from the ground up

Editorial: If a little Catholic confusion exists, maybe it is a blessing

The everyday miracle of calmness

It's too soon to beatify Archbishop Sheen anyway
