
Don't overlook the significance of the LGBTQ+ community being seen

Proposal for married clergy raises interesting complications

Pope Francis pinpoints moral dangers of 'amazing and powerful' AI

Archbishop's Mass ban for ecumenical community reflects outdated hierarchical model

Vatican's gay blessing decree shows rich understanding of God's grace

The Catholic Church stories we'll be following in 2024

Letters to the editor on same-sex blessings

With same-sex blessings, Pope Francis sets example for religious leaders

The political stories we'll be following in 2024

60 years of the National Catholic Reporter

Homelessness crisis shows our country needs a new national story

A look back at the life of the church in 2023

Vatican document represents Pope Francis' pastoral revolution for gay Catholics

Why I finally left Twitter (aka 'X')

A look back at the life of politics in 2023

MSW draws up a naughty and nice list

More signs of hope from the synod synthesis report

Did St. Francis invent the Christmas crèche as we know it?

How big a deal is the new Vatican document on same-sex blessings?

Inconvenient truths at Christmastime
