
Francis defends response to clergy abuse, says church has 'spared no effort'

Francis: young people 'outraged' at Catholic Church over sexual abuse

Francis, the comic strip

Vatican must keep up its clear, inspiring leadership in climate crisis

Francis warns: 75 years after Holocaust, guard against 'any whiff' of anti-Semitism

Vatican announces deal with China over appointment of Catholic bishops

New saints highlight care for poor, zeal for Gospel

What can we say about the Synod of Bishops? The optics are not good

Pope's quotes: Deeply connected

Pope: Those exploiting foreigners for profit will pay on Judgment Day

For Francis, February bishops' meeting will be a defining moment

In letters to German cardinal, retired pope defends way he stepped down

Francis, the comic strip

Some cry 'scandal' to cover their own failings, pope says at Mass

Francis and U2's Bono discuss 'wild beast' of capitalism, clergy abuse

Be grateful to parents, never insult them, pope says

Could reform of the church mean schism?

Listening church: Pope gives new vision for Synod of Bishops

Francis, the comic strip

Pope's upcoming trip signals support for nations on Russia's periphery
