
Christians are meant to serve, not be served, pope says

Synod groups on sexuality: Church welcomes all, calls all to conversion

NCR Podcast: Reporting from Rome on the synod and women's rights

Hypocrisy can be a leaven impeding spiritual growth, pope says

Viganò: Vatican rebuke proved truth of McCarrick cover-up

Pope's quotes: Works of mercy

Women's voice needed to fight clericalism, 'macho' culture, Cardinal Ouellet says

Editorial: Ouellet vs. Viganò exposes right wing's anti-Francis strategy

Pope, meeting South Korean leader, says he's open to visiting North

Francis, the comic strip

Pope: God wants change in church stricken by perversion of clericalism

Bishops call for better religious education, preparation for mission

Indifference, hatred is the first step to murder, pope says

Adopting political tactics at synod is understandable, but misplaced

In synod reports, groups stress importance of spiritual mentors for young

World's superiors general to ask for greater women's voice at synod

Francis, the comic strip

Links for 10/16/18

Religions that do not pursue peace are a contradiction, pope says

Children of Salvadoran TPS holders gain support from Pope Francis
