
Exclusive: Cupich says bishops must cede authority, allow lay oversight of accusations

Sainting Romero and Paul VI, Francis says: no 'half measures' to holiness

Francis defrocks two retired Chilean bishops 'for demonstrated abuse of minors'

Pope Hamlet: Paul VI's indecisive, wavering papacy

The irreconcilable duality of Pope Paul VI

Ethiopian cardinal hopes synod addresses African youth's reality: 'question is survival'

NCR Podcast: Canonizing Óscar Romero, Pope Paul VI and Catherine Kasper

Harsh rhetoric, policies in U.S. cause migrants more pain, observer says

Petition urges women's votes at synod, but Dutch bishop disagrees

Devil destroys overtly or slyly by pretending to be a friend, pope says

Observers: Young people need small, nurturing networks to help them discern

Editorial: Dangerous saints for desperate times

Wuerl resigns, ending influential tenure in wake of abuse report

Pope's quotes: Protection of our common home

What happened to the Catholic Church? (Part 2)

Young people want credibility, someone to walk with them, bishops say

Salvadoran bishops to meet with Francis, invite pope to visit Romero's tomb

Some married men would answer a call to priesthood, bishop says

It would be 'beautiful' if pope visits N. Korea, but groundwork needed, says S. Korea bishop

Francis, the comic strip
