
Making his kitchen his pulpit, Indian priest highlights the pandemic's hungry

The 'happiest place on Earth' shut down, hunger didn't

New York Archdiocese issues five-phase plan to gradually reopen churches

Trump's urging stokes furor in debate over in-person worship

Your thoughts on presidential apologists

Laudato Si' takes root in Africa, but much urgent work remains

Would prayer services during pandemic be more helpful than livestreamed Masses?

Vigil draws attention to class action suit on behalf of detained immigrants

Has the conservative Catholic project exhausted itself?

Bishops denounce causes of health care crisis in Brazilian Amazon

While reopening rules get debated, the people of God starve for ministry

Homeland Security decision doesn't surprise Catholics working at border

Minnesota bishops not waiting for governor, resuming larger Masses May 26

Death penalty opponents decry first execution carried out amid pandemic

To strive, seek, find and not yield policies that put people first

Social distance should not be a woman-only virtue

Links for 5/21/20

Virtual Ignatian retreats show 'God transcends physical place and time'

Houston Catholic church closes after 5 leaders get COVID-19

Justice Dept. says California's pandemic plan should open churches sooner
