
L.A. Archdiocese to begin opening churches under detailed safety measures

Vatican orders Italian founder of ecumenical community to leave

Ohio bishop resumes treatment for leukemia, sends resignation to pope

Pope clears way for beatification of Knights of Columbus founder

Planned Parenthood urged to return $80 million in PPP funds

The Catholic 'votes' will still pick the next president

Physical distancing lessons from a monk and a rabbi

History and tragedy linger in 'Ghosts of the Missing'

If COVID-19 frightens you, you should be terrified by climate change

'Vos Estis' at one year: Some question pope's process for investigating bishops

Peacemakers sign 'Pledge to Protect' during pandemic as economy reopens

Faith leaders: Protecting human life is priority in reopening churches

Minn. bishops modify reopening plan after governor increases crowd limit

Editorial: US bishops' conference, where is the leadership during pandemic?

The Catholic vote decides who wins, even if it doesn't exist

What politics—and the Biden campaign—can learn from the church about sexual assault

Men dominated Jane Roe the way they dominate abortion rights

'Roe' revelations a reminder that people are ends, not means

'Ut Unum Sint' at 25: Learning to recognize, welcome others' gifts

Virtual togetherness just doesn't cut it
