Memo to Republicans on vote suppression: We Americans like our democracy

Links: Biden goes trustbusting, Trump remakes GOP, Schlumpf debates Douthat

Angry and disappointed: NCR readers react to the bishops' vote on Communion

Editorial: All we really needed to know about the filibuster we learned in kindergarten

Why was bishops' vote on Communion document secret?

US bishops' latest display of desperation has roots in years of dysfunction

Biden's Catholic parish in DC says it won't deny Communion to Massgoers

Editorial: Don't put your faith in the bishops' conference

Like Biden, my Supreme Court justice grandfather was shamed for going to Mass

The zealots demand the US bishops name names in Communion document

Bishops' conference walks back mixed messaging on Communion and Catholic politicians

Grace abounds at Association of US Catholic Priests' meeting

If you hear that Catholics want to deny Biden Communion, check the details

Thomas Merton's wisdom for a church in crisis

AOC, other Catholic Democrats urge bishops against 'weaponization' of Communion

In defiance of Vatican, US bishops vote to advance Communion document

Ahead of Communion document vote, Pope Francis' US allies urge delay

Pope: Post-pandemic economic recovery must seek good of all

Links: Vigneron's hypocrisy; Samantha Power in El Salvador; kudos to US mayors

Major pro-life advocacy group holds rallies to support denying Communion to Biden
