NCR's Newsmaker of 2021: Archbishop Gomez, a failed culture warrior

Inflation has the country on edge. Democrats need to find better ways to address it.

President Biden and Congress' US military budget is an affront to God

Biden's summit on democracy and how Catholic teaching can help

Links: Gerrymandering in Wisconsin, the Black Madonna at CUA, and Build Back Better health provisions

On World AIDS Day, what that pandemic teaches us about COVID-19

US bishops lost about how to engage a culture they don't understand

Editorial: Eucharist document will quietly go away, but bishops' ineffectiveness remains

After year of divisive debate, US bishops approve tepid document on Communion

Opening bishops' meeting, Vatican ambassador urges prelates to tamp down divisions

As Catholic bishops gather, so do protesters on right and left

Sadly, the US bishops' conference is a ghost of its former self

Biden has won big on infrastructure; now he needs to sell it

Editorial: US bishops' Eucharist document has always been about Biden

Democrats best not hit snooze after elections provided wake-up call

First week of COP26 offers big climate pledges, but Catholic activists want details

US bishops to choose culture war or communion in Baltimore

The Francis Effect podcast: COP26 opens; Biden meets the pope; COVID vaccine for kids

Biden's revealing of the pope's words on Communion was impolitic, but forgivable

US bishops tweet their criticism of Pope Francis' meeting with Biden
