So-called community policing perpetuates a throwaway culture

Faith leaders urge Congress to honor election result

Let America be an island of mercy for immigrants, refugees

Editorial: Catholic advice for Biden's first 100 days

The year in politics: What to expect from 2021?

What to expect on the religious scene in 2021: Experts cast their sights on the year ahead

Links: Great obituary for a great priest

Looking back at 2020 in the life of the church in the US

Tumultuous election sends country's second Catholic president into office

Extreme heat, wildfires, storms marked advance of climate change in 2020

Links: Governors response to coronavirus, Trump's last-minute deals, cancel culture

US Catholics cope with political divides among family, friends

A look back at 2020 in politics

'Of course Biden is the president-elect'

Supreme Court gives no definitive ruling on Trump's census plan

EarthBeat Weekly: Biden picks signal seat at table for environmental justice

Your thoughts on Chaput, Biden and Communion

TPS beneficiaries from seven countries to receive extension

Video: Facebook Live on Newsmaker of the Year

President-elect Joe Biden is NCR's Catholic Newsmaker of the Year
