How this pro-life former congressman is voting this election

The Francis Effect podcast: Election update, Michigan militias and 'Fratelli Tutti'

Debate prediction: a flailing Trump

Links for 10/20/20

Catholics cannot forget workers' rights when voting

As election nears, Black and Latinx Catholics work for political inclusion

Poll: Trump lead wanes with white Catholics; Biden has wide edge with Latinos

The 2020 election's most crucial faith group is one you've never heard of

'Faith Vote' 20-minute ad aims to cement liberal believers for Biden

Bishop laments questioning of Biden's faith due to abortion policies

Not so fast: The political preferences of observant Catholics may not be what you think

Pro-life? Why the Trump campaign is collapsing

Latino vote in pivotal Florida may hinge on faith issues, analysts say

Health care is key voter concern amid pandemic, changing Supreme Court

Trumps test positive for COVID-19

'Fratelli Tutti' challenges our country and our church

Detroit archbishop, Knights of Columbus participate in partisan event

Trump, Biden appeal to Catholics at virtual charity dinner

They may not vote as a bloc, but Latinos still can influence the election

Your thoughts on nomination of Amy Coney Barrett
