Catholic social teaching calls for collaboration with Biden administration on LGBTQ policies

Bishops welcome Biden as president, offering prayers for the common good

Full text: Read Biden's inaugural address

Masses, prayers for uniting country help set tone for Inauguration Day

Editorial: Biden's inauguration brings needed light to America

Biden's inaugural address calls for Americans to work for unity

Archbishop Gomez prays God grants Biden 'wisdom, courage' to lead nation

Pope prays Biden works to heal divisions, promote human dignity

Read the homily Joe Biden heard Inauguration Day morning

Joe Biden's family Bible anchors faith-infused inaugural events

Biden should focus on his role of head of state to unite the country

Biden's inauguration will feature Catholic signs, symbolism

Biden to enter White House with Cabinet stocked with climate advocates

Joe Biden's very Catholic Cabinet

Biden and Kennedy: History does not repeat itself

Biden must build a more equitable US education system

Your thoughts on Biden as Catholic Newsmaker of the Year

How Catholic media should cover Biden

Panel urges stop to Trump administration planned executions

Links: Bloodlust of the 'most pro-life president'; Congress' guilty members
