Take notice of news about African famine

'America First' takes a hit with Trump's Afghanistan plan

Catholic Church needs to be out there resisting bigotry

The nuclear option has to be taken off the table

Trump made excuses for neo-Nazis, but we cannot

Morning Briefing, International

Thousands of faith leaders ask Congress to protect Johnson Amendment

My Christian manifesto for surviving dark times

Finding hope in spite of Trump

Hate, racism were on one side in Charlottesville, not many

Bishops ask for peace after white nationalist rally turns deadly

Sing, listen, love

What good can come from the Trump administration?

Links for 08/10/17

Ex-Vatican diplomat: US, North Korea must return to negotiating table

Links for 08/08/17

Trump's evangelical advisers request papal meeting

'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses ...'

'Do not trust in princes': the limits of politics

USCCB president urges Trump to quickly act to ease contraceptive mandate
