Tax bill passes amid concerns about future effects on poor

Links for 12/19/17

Lebanon's religious oppose Trump's Jerusalem move; Jordanians march

Links for 12/14/17

Morning Briefing

Justice Action Bulletin: Nativity scene highlights gun violence; Dream Act support

Trump's Jerusalem declaration blurs path to peace in Holy Land

American Values Survey takes voters' pulse on Trump, political climate

Trump's decision on Jerusalem exposes a fiction

Trump flouts warnings, declares Jerusalem Israel's capital

It is time for Trump to vacate the presidency

Church teaching is clear: 'Fake news,' other untruths are wrong, dangerous

'Has America lost its moral center?' asks Fordham panel

We're on the verge of a profligate arms race

The line from fundamentalism to fake news

I am grateful for so many things

New guardian angel protects us as we share #MeToo survivor stories

Bishop McElroy sees 'a cultural crisis in our body politic'

Pope condemns possession of nuclear weapons in shift from church's acceptance of deterrence

Church leaders shift nuclear views from deterrence to disarmament
