President Trump: Time for him to go

Chittister calls for formal censure of President Trump

Links for 1/18/18

Salvadorans at risk of losing immigration status find support in churches

Forget Trump's vulgarity, focus on protecting immigrants

Justice Action Bulletin: Participants arrested at Gitmo rally, sit-in for Yemen

As Trump's lies continue, reporters will be 'back for seconds'

Oprah for president? Don't mistake celebrity for competence

Evangelicals, non-evangelicals are divided by common religion

Top NCR stories of 2017, by total reading time

Defense wants rural Trump voters in jury pool for Kansas bomb case

Will President Trump's political luck hold in 2018?

What’s next for religion in 2018?

Reflecting on Pope Francis' 2018 World Day of Peace message

In 2017, politics influenced religion

Regrettably, Trump dominated politics this year

Mideast Catholic patriarchs express hope amid uncertainty at Christmas

Trump lights Jerusalem powder keg, deepens US isolation

Gingrich formally begins service as U.S. ambassador to Holy See

The tax overhaul isn't a victory and isn't a gift
