Your thoughts on Catholic voters for Trump

Editorial: Our inside-out bishops need to look outward again

In Los Angeles, Catholic schools plan to resume in-person classes, while public schools go online

Editorial: That Trump can still sway some Catholic voters is a real scandal

Links for 7/14/20

Time for Biden to build a big tent

After lobbying, Catholic Church won $1.4B in virus aid

Links for 7/9/20

Trump expected to refile paperwork soon in his effort to end DACA

The moral stakes of the economic crisis

Dakota Access pipeline temporarily shut down in legal and 'spiritual' battle

The duty of white Christians to dismantle the idolatry of racism

Remember on July 4: Greatness comes from solidarity, shared sacrifice

Trump support declines among white and Hispanic Catholics

Links for 6/30/20

Time for McConnell to help state and local governments cope with the pandemic

The sycophancy of Raymond Arroyo

Your thoughts on the Knights of Columbus and their politics

New York parishioners petition Dolan for a more forceful racism statement

Links for 6/25/20
