Amy Coney Barrett's religion is important but irrelevant

If Barrett joins, Supreme Court would have six Catholics

Biden and Kerry: same faith, same party, different candidates

Backing Biden, John Carr calls out political misuse of bishops' voting guide

Don't you wish Trump had picked a Methodist for the Supreme Court?

Trump announces Judge Amy Coney Barrett as US Supreme Court nominee

Biden pins his argument to Latino believers on Trump's morals

Editorial: Catholics must vote their conscience this election

Why aren't pollsters asking how religion affects Latinos' voting?

Links for 9/24/20

Trump courts Catholic voters at conservative-run National Catholic Prayer Breakfast

How will Ginsburg's death affect the election?

In battleground states, Catholics are a pivotal swing vote

National Catholic Prayer Breakfast award for Barr divides Catholics

Election 2020: How seven climate-conscious young Christians are deciding their vote

Two Catholic women judges top short list as possible Supreme Court nominees

What does it say about Catholics that Trump thinks they're key to winning?

Head of Federal Election Commission calls separation of church and state a 'fallacy' and 2020 election a 'spiritual war'

Pew sees religious voters' support for 2020 nominees mirroring past elections

Trump thinks his road to victory passes through the Catholic Church
