Trump, Barr urged to stop federal executions, recall God's mercy during Advent

Editorial: Biden should appoint a post-Trump truth commission

Act V of the Trump presidency is not pretty

Your thoughts on learning lessons from Trump

Latino Protestants more conservative, supportive of Trump than Latino Catholics, poll finds

Links: Profiles in courage, pornography floods Parler

Court unsure of Trump's plan to exclude unauthorized immigrants in census

Faith takes the forefront as Georgia Senate runoffs heat up

Your thoughts on abortion, Biden and the US bishops

White Christians' voting patterns are an indictment of churches

Adventures in clericalism with McCarrick and Trump 

Trump's putative putsch and its collaborators

U.S. bishops urge Trump, Barr to stop upcoming federal executions

4 ways progressive pro-lifers can reengage with Democratic leaders

Thanks, President Trump — I learned a lot from you

Francis, the comic strip

Links for 11/19/20

I'll meet you at the cross: A post-election theology of encounter

The dead and the living deserve better than rushed reconciliation

A blue surprise? As Arizona trends toward Biden, Latino voters stand out
