Links: Bloodlust of the 'most pro-life president'; Congress' guilty members

Don't impeach Trump. Shun him.

A tragic end to the US bishops' long descent into partisan politics

Prominent Capitol insurrectionists lose jobs

Editorial: After attempted coup, impeaching Trump is a moral obligation

Rome university to honor controversial Fr. Pavone's pro-life work

Federal appeals court blocks Trump order on refugee resettlement

Biden administration must include rural poor in his policies

Historians: Capitol Hill breach damaged U.S. politics

2021 seen as a year to make up lost ground on climate change

Your thoughts on Catholic Trump supporters

Pelosi references Epiphany and St. Francis as House confirms Biden win

Links: Georgia Senate results, the Electoral College and working-class voters

No one has a right to be surprised about the Capitol violence

'You reap what you sow': Some bishops decry violence at Capitol

Warnock and Ossoff win in Georgia, handing Dems Senate control

Looking ahead to 2021 in the life of the church in the US

Faith leaders urge Congress to honor election result

The year in politics: What to expect from 2021?

Let America be an island of mercy for immigrants, refugees
