Pope Francis joins world faith leaders in urgent climate appeal ahead of COP26

A year after 'Fratelli Tutti,' it's time the church move from dreaming to doing

Pope Francis, other faith leaders to present joint appeal to COP26 climate summit

EarthBeat Weekly: As the planet warms, more frequent heat waves will hit children hardest

How do we prepare for a synodal process? Start with the documents of Vatican II

Laudato Si' Action Platform launch pushed back to mid-November

Vatican's Academy for Life takes on vaccine skeptics, including Catholics

Time is now to create culture of care for each other, planet, pope tells young climate activists

Francis is set to open a worldwide synod process. US dioceses don't seem prepared.

Five rules for disagreeing with the pope

It's time for US bishops to reconsider relationship with EWTN

John August Swanson lived his faith, worked for a better world through art

Biden's immigration policy needs reboot — and a moral vision. Pope Francis can help.

Cardinal Pell says he 'never really approved' of Benedict XVI's decision to resign

Editorial: Let's give the Holy Spirit a chance at synod on synodality

US bishops' new investment guidelines should address nuclear arms

Cardinal Czerny: Apply Pope Francis' vision to the US church

Should Pope Francis get a third COVID-19 vaccine shot?

Contrary to traditionalist claims, many Catholics are fleeing Latin Mass parishes

Links: Russian elections; assisted suicide; reply to McAleese's criticism of Francis
